Fall 2020-Spring 2021 was my freshman year of college. Honestly, it was probably the worst year of my life. I went through several emotional hardships; was stuck in my dorm all year because of COVID; and honestly was a little lost. I persevered and learned a lot from that year, however, and it truly was a catalyst for personal transformation.

I also made the terrible decision to get bangs. Needless to say, that phase didn't last long.


2021-2022 was a much better year. I made a lot of emotional and mental steps forward and spent a lot of time with myself. I got into the graphic design program at VCU and made a lot of progress in my classes. I also made a lot of friends that spring semester and began to feel a lot more fulfilled.


2022-2023 school year has been the best yet. I am at my happiest, love what I'm doing in my classes and in the graphic design program, and am feeling the most fulfilled and relaxed in general. (I've also changed my hair the most this year!) This year has been the most peaceful, I haven't really had any personal drama, and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. I have plenty of friends and I'm also very fulfilled with how I spend my time alone. I can't wait to see where I'll make more memories!